Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"Violet Consuming Flame"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/3/10

Crossroads. Many now stand upon the intersection of a crossroads. Crossroads...some standing still and contemplating the direction in which they want to proceed. Crossroads...some generating movement toward a new direction. Crossroads...some looking back and wondering if they should return from where they came. Crossroads...some wishing desperately they could make the process of moving forward occur more rapidly. Crossroads are an intersection comprised of alternatives and choices, but also, the intersection of the crossroads is The Center...the place where we become aligned with our highest spiritual wisdom...where choices become viable possibilities and alternatives are seen with clarity of awareness. Stand mindfully upon your crossroad. Stand strong within your center. Breathe. Reach upward to the breath of spirit. Breathe in "Not My Way but Thy Way" and wait while awareness flows within you. Breathe. Look for what shines brightly with heart and meaning. Move toward it. Life is calling to you.