Saturday, February 20, 2010


"Balancing Act"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/18/10

Let go. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Slowly. Release. Slowly. Let go. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Release. Let go. Breathe. Inhale. Slowly. Exhale. Slowly. Breathe. Slowly. Let Go. Slowly. Breathe in Not My Way But Thy Way. Breathe out Control. Go into the Center. Breathe in Peace. Breathe out Anger. Go into the Center. Breathe in Love. Breathe out Fear. Go into the Center. Breathe in Forgiveness. Breathe out Pain. Go into the Center. Be Peace. Be Love. Be Forgiveness. Be in Oneness.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be Here Now

Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/18/10

Relish in joy when it is presented to you. Laugh fully when frivolity delights you. Mesmerize yourself by inhaling the scent of flowers deep into your soul. Appreciate the food you eat and honor it by immersing yourself in slowly tasting each flavor. Sing with abandon when the music of life flows through you. Allow your arms and heart to experience hugs. Embrace intense blue skies. Seek diamonds in the gleam of snowflakes as they sift to the ground. Appreciate the warmth of soft brown earth against bare feet. Marvel at new life. Be fully present for every moment and be here now.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who You Are

"Casting Out my Net for Love"
Kate Jobe 2/2010

The web of ones life changes with each new paradigm shift. It rapidly changes, exponentially, with the addition of paradigm shifts of more than one being unified in thought and intent of action. In this state of being, the sky can be the limit, leaving change open to infinite unlimitedness. There is no absolute or dominion of conceivable expectations. Each Grandmother Spider...thoughts spin out in silvery luminosity, deftly altering the pattern of the web. New colors; new patterns; new adornments are added. Who You Are ceases to be relevant when you have the potential to live so many lifetimes within the tapestry of one.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All You Need Is Love

Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/2010

The web of life grows stronger and more magical when woven from threads of love. With the affirmation of love, the world shines brighter, the compulsion to laugh is more prevalent and boredom ceases to be a component of your vocabulary. Love is returned in direct proportion to the love that is extended toward others.... Sometimes the presence of love goes undetected because it does not arrive in a form dictated by a yearning. Love arrives and reaches out to us every day in many ways. Nature reaches out in love in the luscious scent of a flower; the unexpected song of a bird; the breathtaking beauty of the sunrise of a new day. All around, people extend love with passion that may be missed: in the dedication and admiration of an employee; through the genuine respect and appreciation of a student; the thankfulness of a stranger for the simplicity of a "minor" compliment or kindness; the unabashed guileless love that radiates from a child's eyes and in their loving hugs. Pay attention to all moments that have heart and meaning. Scoop them up and hold them in your heart.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Angels Among Us

"We Come In Peace"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/6/10

Angels walk among us every day. There are those people that we recognize for their angelic presence...they almost glow from their radiant demeanor...their kindness extends to everyone and everything..their laughter energizes us and makes us feel happy deep down to the tips of our toes....and the angel babies whose smiles light up their faces and reach out toward everyone to envelope them with their love. But angels also walk among us in places and in forms not always recognized....their glow might be masked by an unkempt appearance...they may not fulfill an assumed expectation of piousness...their behavior is sometimes abrasive and impatient. Regardless of their physical qualities, their presence is, at some time, a catalyst to assist others to acquire personal empowerment, healing and spiritual awareness...lessons that sometimes require an unexpected or undesirable presentation to be fully realized. Personal healing is owned when there are no expectations of someone else magically infusing it. An angel may have walked into the landscape of your life to prod you into facing self imposed limitations. They may have appeared as a messenger offering an answer to your prayer. The answer is only effective to the extent that it is heard. If an angel came to help you would you know when it arrived?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Envisioning Spring

"Early Morning Rain"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/6/10

The softness of fog slowly drifts across the sky. Raindrops plunk gently upon the ground in a dull, hypnotic rhythm. Scents of damp earth and new grass mingle with the perfume of lilacs and saffron hued daffodils. Robins sing among branches that hang heavy with clusters of velvety damp pink and white apple blossoms. Seedlings reach toward the rain and spread their roots deeper into the soil, preparing for their salutation to the sun. Springtime. Early morning rain. Envision these thoughts clearly in your mind. Inhale their scent. Listen to their sounds. See the radiance of their colors. Amid the chill of winter and what seems like unending snow...remember Spring.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Visioning A Greater Love

"The World Within"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/4/10

At all times...look...and listen for beauty. Beauty is before you...Beauty is behind you...Beauty is above you...Beauty is all around you....Beauty is within you. The blueprint of your spirit is much larger and more beautiful than you can imagine. A being walking upon this planet appears seemingly small and yet their spiritual imprint may be infinitely expansive. Small children carry within them a Universe as complex as those that comprise the spiritual cells of an adult. Wisdom lives within those cells...wisdom gleaned from the blessings of the stars; the breath of the wind; the songs of the trees; the chronicles of the earth. Listen to your inner wisdom and know that it speaks volumes. It goes before you and will speak of who you are without you having to utter a word.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"Violet Consuming Flame"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 2/3/10

Crossroads. Many now stand upon the intersection of a crossroads. Crossroads...some standing still and contemplating the direction in which they want to proceed. Crossroads...some generating movement toward a new direction. Crossroads...some looking back and wondering if they should return from where they came. Crossroads...some wishing desperately they could make the process of moving forward occur more rapidly. Crossroads are an intersection comprised of alternatives and choices, but also, the intersection of the crossroads is The Center...the place where we become aligned with our highest spiritual wisdom...where choices become viable possibilities and alternatives are seen with clarity of awareness. Stand mindfully upon your crossroad. Stand strong within your center. Breathe. Reach upward to the breath of spirit. Breathe in "Not My Way but Thy Way" and wait while awareness flows within you. Breathe. Look for what shines brightly with heart and meaning. Move toward it. Life is calling to you.