Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Peaceful Transitions

Wishing you a new year filled with unbounding
Peace, Joy & Love

Today is Christmas Eve and as we enter into Christmas and approach the coming new year, many of us are contemplating the changes that 2009 will bring to our lives. On a daily basis we are bombarded with foreboding announcements of severe recession and unemployment and some of you may already be dramatically experiencing this. Regardless of the dynamics of any local, national or global circumstances that have infiltrated our lives, we can fortify ourselves by choosing to believe that the very best will be present in our lives. Amid the frenzy and often fearful predictions, when we ground ourselves in the strength of spirit we release our attachment to owning the drama that is being presented to us. We can then become the change that we are seeking and allow ourselves to rise into the space where we are capable of manifesting only peace, love and joy in our lives.

latent energies
my inner light
rises now
from the depths
of the
Canyon of Fear.
A radiant zephyr
straining wingtips
to soar
forever upward
in bold brilliance
it’s undeniable
Call of Love

Kate Jobe

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Body Electric

During 2008 I have been busy creating new projects that I had hoped would require less time to complete. Despite any delays I encountered, I am aware that all the time they have required is exactly the time they needed to be created. All things occur in the time they are supposed to occur and all things are related to timing. The perfect time for something to manifest in our lives can sometimes be different than any pre-determined sequence we have calculated for its arrival. When our time lines edge past us or appear to be far in the future and beyond our reach, we are sometimes being called to adapt and look for the gifts presented to us by this unexpected change in our plans. In other instances, when it seems that we are consistently so out of synchrony with our timing that our dreams are always beyond our reach, we are being alerted to make changes in our lives. Releasing energy blocks formed by outdated life scripts that no longer serve us can help jump start our timing. When we release blocked energy, we become better equipped to understand the language of our intuition. Feeling safe in trusting our intuition provides us with a tool that can guide us to make empowering choices and decisions. When we have a clear understanding of what we truly want to manifest in our lives, we can create powerful intents that radiate out from us with the energy of intensified electricity, assisting us to become magnets for attracting success.

How have you gifted yourself this year by re-wiring your body electric? How have you worked co-creatively with the universe to make changes in your life? What stale life scripts have you released during the previous twelve months? In what ways have you learned to listen more deeply to your intuition and how has this supported you this year? What intent/s did you make this year that gifted you in a powerful way?