Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

"Returning to the Home of My Radiant Heart"
Mixed Media Drawing by Kate Jobe   12/25/11

Happy New Year!

Wishing you the gifts of basking in the warmth of love and the illumination 
of the radiance of your light in 2012.

The above art was created by me as a gift for my daughter for Christmas.  I attained the symbolism and design details via a meditative journey.  The drawing is a symbolic representation and an artistic interpretation
 of this meditative experience. 
The original work is 20" x 20" square and incorporates the following media: Prismacolor Pencils;Watercolor; Glass Bead Gel Medium; Metallic Paints;
Interference Paint and Swaroski Crystals. 
12" x 12" copies of this work, printed on museum quality paper with high definition inks are available for sale.  Larger sizes are  available upon request.  Please email me at the address included on this blog site if you are interested in purchasing this print or would like to commission me to use this process to create a custom drawing for you that is a one-of-a-kind symbolic and artistic depiction of your personal energy, a specific moment in time, the energy of you and your spouse or a newly married couple, your family, a new baby, the energy of your business or your land.
Each piece of finished work includes a typed narrative of the meditative journey and explanations of the symbolic components included in the composition.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Process of Illumination

"First Light"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe  11/12/11

Inspiration's first light
flows into us with a palpable
an alertness and awareness of truth
that...when recognized...
expands into our cells... 
a bridge from dreaming
to the manifestation of brilliance.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Eleven Eleven Eleven

"A Star By Any Name"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe

You are a star. 
 Shine your radiance brightly.
Expand the light of your intentions
 into the infinite
of the Universe.
Own your brilliance.
You are a star.

- Kate Jobe -

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No Man Is An Island

Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe

no man is an island
the rhapsody of our lives is inspired
and elevated
through embracing
the interconnected wisdom
of our individual

Kate Jobe 11/10/11

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

"Golden Opportunities"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe  11/9/11

thoughts...and words weave a web
of golden opportunities...
ephermeral alchemy that manifests
 the fabric of our dreams

Monday, November 7, 2011

For Everything There is a Season

"Autumn Dreaming Winter"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe

For everything there is a season
the movement of time...temperature...and light 
bridge one moment into another 
the cycle of life repeats
releasing...going within...rebirth.

Kate Jobe 11/7/11

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Call of the Quest

"Call of the Quest"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe

the pulse of the quest thunders
in the music of our hearts
a beckoning cadence for silenced wings.
stifled smiles of forgotten dreams
rise to its rhythm...and dip
...soaring upward...building speed.
magic begins.

Kate Jobe 11/6/11

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lighting the Way Home

Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe / 11/5/11
Source Image: Hand painted fabric by Kate Jobe

behind our hearts a pearl
forged from the stars
burns brilliant
breathing remembrance
radiating truth
lighting the way home.

K. Jobe 11/5/11

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dancing to the Light

"Celebrating Lightfully"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe

Light shines
your eyes are open to it.
it's brilliance.

Kate Jobe 10/31/2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

In Full Working Order

"Burning Through the Past"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe
created from source image of hand drawn art
October 2011

My blog was not allowing me to submit posts for some time...apparently throughout much of this year but today, with fingers crossed, I tried creating a post just one more time and...Viola! ...It worked!!!.  I have missed writing in my blog and I have missed the inspiration that came through me when I focused upon writing in it.  Words are interesting things.  Sometimes they have a mind of their own and they can direct their energy through you as you focus upon an intent.  Intents are interesting things.  Intents are powerful things.  They direct your thoughts, your decisions and your actions. Choose your intents well and...when things seem like they just won't work or couldn't possibly work...try again or try a different approach.  You might be surprised and discover that you can achieve what you thought was impossible.