Friday, October 5, 2012

The Art of Communication

"Peace & Love"
Digital Mandala by Kate Jobe 9/12

I posted this mandala several weeks ago on my facebook fan page, Zephyr Artful Healing, but liked it so much that I am posting it here again.  Its triad of symbols hold the images of many different images that speak to people in different ways. 
While creating it, I saw angels appearing in the motifs and then focused upon enhancing that quality.  Viewed from the opposite direction, I saw the angels as doves with wings outstretched.  Other people see the same motif as owls.  When this was pointed out to me, I then also saw them as the head of a fox.   Each of these has a different symbolic meaning.  The symbolism that is dominant in your vision communicates to you a message you are seeking...or needing.  When we communicate words to others, however, it is important that our words are received with clarity. 
If we are not clear in the way that we communicate, including being aware of the body language, facial expressions and the tone of our voice, our words and the intent of why we are saying them can me misinterpreted.  Even a word as basic as love can mean different things to different people.  The experiences and "teachers" in our lives have assisted in building the architecture that is the foundation for our comprehension of vocabulary.  Not all of our lives are built upon the same foundation. Even close friends and family members can misinterpret our words when they are experiencing sadness, disappointment or pain in their lives. 
Today, as much as you are capable, practice the art of compassionate communication.  Be open to the awareness of how you speak and project your words and of how they are being received.

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